Breaking Silences: Survivors, researchers and practitioners speak about Child Sexual Abuse
This zine explores survivors' challenges in speaking and being listened to.
1 licensing option
Budget Equity Toolkit
A Toolkit for equitable budget allocations for research projects in the Global South
1 licensing option
Difficult Conversations Web App
A web app to facilitate the training of children's social care
1 licensing option
FIAS Framework for Mountain Biking
FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sports) for Mountain Biking
1 licensing option
FIAS Toolkit
The FIAS Toolkit is designed to give you ideas and guidance if you’re involved in a women+ mountain bike community.
1 licensing option
Meals on Wheels Awareness Raising Aids
Resources developed by University of Bristol researchers to raise awareness of Meals on Wheels services
1 licensing option
TEPSO Toolkit
Toolkit to improve visa and passport equity in Global North-South research partnerships
1 licensing option
Training in Supporting Autistic Students
1 licensing option